Collaboration is the name of the game for Siphamandla Ex

Published 11 September 2024 in News

Siphamandla Ex thrives on collaboration as a core part of his artistic process. In August, he invited Asisebenze’s general manager, Tanya Krain, to join him in creating two new pieces for his upcoming exhibition, Ubomi (Life), opening 6 October. 


This partnership, unexpected for Tanya, became an exciting journey of shared creativity. 


"When I first met Ex, I told him I was an amateur artist," Tanya recalls. "But he saw potential and said, ‘We need to collaborate.’ I was nervous at firstI’d never worked in a studio or on canvases this bigbut Ex kept encouraging me, saying, ‘Just have fun, you can’t mess it up.’ That helped me push through my insecurities." 


While new to Ex’s dark-to-light painting style, Tanya found the experience transformative. "Ex pushed me out of my comfort zone, and I realised I’m more than just an amateur." The result is a powerful collaborative piece, deeply shaped by their unique artistic approaches. 


This experience helped Tanya embrace her abilities, and the result is impactful pieces that will feature in Ex's exhibition. "Ex helped me realise I’m more than just an amateur and working with him has been amazing." 

A process built on shared perspectives 

Ex’s approach to collaboration extends beyond just Tanya. For his upcoming Deconstructed exhibition, Ex is bringing in poets and writers to interact with his pieces.  


"I wanted them to offer a different perspective on how my work is seen," Ex says. The poetry adds emotional depth, complementing his striking canvases. 


The interplay between a white collaborator and a show centred on blackness adds further complexity. "It’s something that will make people think," says Ex, welcoming the contrast as part of the conversation his work provokes. 


See the results first-hand 

The result of this creative exchangea singular, striking piece born of collaborationwill be on display at Siphamandla Ex’s solo exhibition, opening Sunday, 6 October.  


This is more than just a piece of art; it’s the culmination of a process that pushes boundaries and challenges viewers to reflect deeply. 


Don’t miss this unique opportunity to experience the emotional and intellectual impact of seeing this collaborative work in person. 

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